When she was little, Madi Crowe wanted to play rugby league.
She was a sporty kid. Always wanted to get involved.
She didn’t quite get her wishes then, but the alternate become a big part of her life.
“Seeing the boys at school they were into rugby league, my dad was a rugby league player as well, and I came home one day and said dad can I play rugby league?” Madi said.
“He said no you’re too little but if you want, we can sign you up to touch football.
“I played in a team, I didn’t know anyone, but I was running around and that’s what I wanted to do.”
That team was Berkeley Vale junior touch.

Now the 21-year-old has played the sport for 12 years.
In that time, she’s racked up a few accolades.
Her proudest, representing her country in the Aussie squad and being part of the Newcastle Knights women’s touch side playing in the NRL Touch Premiership.
There’s no doubt, the game she loves has taken her to many heights.
One in particular, winning gold at the recent World Cup in Malaysia.
“The lead up to the experience was great,” Madi remembered.
“When we went over to Malaysia seeing all the different cultures and the countries who were playing. It was a really cool experience.
“Knowing you’re at the top level of your country, it is an absolute honour.
Rapid Fire: Get to know our touch players
“When we beat New Zealand, it was a big score line, but it was also a really tough game.
“It feels really good to be number one in the world.”
In the touch world, the young touch superstar is also known as the fastest female in the game.
Her speed on-field recognised as explosive.
“My strongest point when I’m playing touch is when I scoop,” explained Madi.
“If I have ever made breaks down the field, people have noticed how fast I am.”
It might come naturally but Madi trains pretty hard to ensure she’s always at the top of her game.
“You always have to be doing short and sharp fitness and agility work as well,” she added.
“You’ve got to think really fast and always be ready for what’s coming.
“I’ve noticed in touch football we are very smart players.”
And being handy on the touch field has she ever thought to fulfil her childhood wishes and make the transition to rugby league?
She’s thought about it for sure.
But it might just be a thought at this stage.
“Seeing how the girls how strong they are, I just don’t know,” Madi laughed.
“If I took a tackle, I think it would hurt a bit too much.”