The NRL Touch Premiership has already kicked off. We'll see our men's and women's squads play their first match on Sunday, 19th May at Mudgee against the Parramatta Eels.
Meet our men's team and check out their profiles!
Knights men's team

Terry Deegan
Age: 35
Nickname: Deegs
Position: Link
Best touch move: Bounce plays
Why do you love touch: Speed of the game
Favourite Knights player: Kalyn Ponga
Go to movie: Gladiator
One quirky thing about you: Best squash player in the team

Daniel Langbridge
Age: 22
Nickname: Langa
Position: Middle
Local club: Doyalson Dragons
Best touch memory: Winning state cup
Favourite Knights player: Connor Watson
Favourite food: Mixed snack pack
One quirky thing about you: I have memorised the Rock Balboa song

Mitchell Wilton
Age: 22
Position: Middle
Local club: Nelson Bay
Best touch game: State cup 2018
Why do you love touch: Mateship
Advice to youngster playing touch: Never give up
Favourite Knights player: Andrew Johns
Go to movie: Bohemian Rhapsody

Dylan Thompson
Age: 29
Nickname: Thommo
Position: Link
Best touch memory: Winning 2018 NSW state cup and winning 2019 National Touch League
Advice to youngsters playing touch: Train hard and stay humble
Favourite saying: Believe it to achieve it
Favourite Knights player: Nathan Ross
Favourite song: Hot chips, Flutes

Alex Langbridge
Age: 25
Nickname: Alfie
Position: Link
Best touch move: Mouse trap
Why do you love touch: It's fast paced and action packed
Favourite saying: Games are won behind closed doors in the gym and on the training paddock
Favourite Knights player: Danny Buderus, Connor Watson
Go to movie: Star Wars

Kurt Donoghue
Age: 17
Nickname: Wheezy
Position: Middle
Local club: Doyalson Dragons
Best touch memory: Winning senior state cup
Favourite saying: Get him on side ref
Favourite Knights player: Mitchell Pearce
Favourite food: Bacon and eggs on toast

Dean Springfield
Age: 30
Nickname: Springy
Position: Link
Best touch move: Shotgun
Why do you love touch: Get to meet great people, keep fit and challenge yourself
Favourite Knights player: Andrew Johns
Best relax mode: Having a hit of golf with the boys
Favourite song: Something slow and smooth

Bart Hill
Age: 30
Position: Middle
Best touch memory: Winning elite 8
Advice to youngsters playing touch: It's all about attitude
Favourite Knights player: Ben Kennedy
Go to movie: Happy Gilmore
Favourite food: Chocolate
One quirky thing about you: I like jigsaw puzzles
Mitchell Wickham
Age: 24
Nickname: Wicks
Position: Wing
Best touch memory: Winning state cups with the Bulldogs in 2014
Advice to youngsters playing touch: Go hard or go home, listen to your coach
Favourite saying: You miss 100% of the shots you don't take
Favourite Knights player: Matt Tope
One quirky thing about you: Off the touch field I am a maths teacher/nerd

Jake Fitzpatrick
Age: 27
Nickname: Cat/fitzy
Position: Middle
Why do you love touch: Getting around your mates
Advice to youngsters playing touch: Be the player everyone wants to have on their team
Favourite Knights player: Mitchell Pearce
Favourite food: Chicken schnitzel
Best relax mode: Watching the NRL on a Friday night

Scott Bundy

Jack Edwards
Age: 23
Nickname: Roo
Position: Link
Best touch memory: Winning NTL with Hornets
Favourite saying: Hit the ground running
Favourite Knights player: Aidan Guerra
Best relax mode: Sleeping
Favourite Newcastle hangs: Greenroof

Lincoln Little
Age: 24
Nickname: Slimmy
Position: Middle
Local club: Doyalson Dragons
Best touch memory: Winning 2018 touch state cup
Go to movie: Bohemian Rhapsody
Favourite Newcastle hangs: Merewether baths

Luke Tonegato
Age: 25
Nickname: Tono
Position: Link
Best touch move: Bounce plays
Best touch memory: Winning elite 8 with Mavericks in 2013
Favourite saying: Winners never quit
Favourite Knights players: Matty Johns
Favourite Newcastle hangs: Nobbys Lighthouse

Matt Tope
Age: 36
Nickname: Topey
Position: Wing
Why do you love touch: Gives balance to my life
Favourite saying: Keep it jovial
Favourite Knights player: Timana Tahu, Dan Langbridge
Best relax mode: Coffee at Steam Brothers cafe
One quirky thing about you: I lost a bet to my brother and had to wear a full spiderman suit to drop my daughter off on her first day of school