Jamie Buhrer became a father of four during the Christmas break, with his wife Grace giving birth to twins.
Arya and Reilly are just a month old and with two big sisters Isla and Eden, they’re all keeping dad on his toes.
“It’s going pretty well, as good as can be expected,” laughed Buhrer.
“They are two newborns; so they eat, cry and sleep and repeat.
“When they’re awake and not crying it’s a lot of fun and when it’s not, we have our hands full.
“My wife has got them both under her wing and arm half the time and I’m doing everything I can to distract our elder two from destroying the house.”
With four young children, it’s definitely a busy household at the Buhrers.
“Amongst some hair pulling moments, there’s enjoyment and as the twins get older, we’ve got a beautiful big family,” smiled Buhrer.
“There’s a lot less free time but it is what it is, and they’re our kids and we’ve got to look after them and we’ve had plenty of fun along the way.”
Buhrer has made sure to keep a close eye on his eldest two girls.
“My elder two certainly have personality,” shared Buhrer.
“They’re well and truly on show for all to see but the twins at the moment are not giving me any lip so they’re in my good books.”