Knights TV spoke with Physical Performance Manager Tony Ayoub for an update on the fitness of a number of players recovering from injuries.
Ayoub said that during the off-season period, the Club has been managing player recovery and expect most will be back for the start of pre-season training.
“We had Daniel Saifiti who unfortunately injured himself in one of the last games,” Ayoub stated.
“He dislocated his shoulder and chipped a bit of bone off the front of his glenoid rim.
“He had to have a reconstruction and the same thing with Mitch Barnett, who hurt his shoulder in the last game.
“Mitch had a problem right through the year that we were always going to look at at the end of the year, but he just aggravated that in the last game.
“Both had reconstructions, but both surgeries have gone well and they are into rehab as we speak.
“We expect both of them to have a hampered pre-Christmas period but after Christmas they’ll be back into the main swing of things.
“Daniel will be right for trials and then hopefully Round 1 and Mitch we will see how he is going once we get past that January period.”
Luke Yates and Brock Lamb, who both missed the remaining two games of the season, are also tracking well for a November 1 start.
“Luke Yates had ankle surgery, syndesmosis, and had a tight rope put into his ankle before the end of the season,” Ayoub explained.
“He is expected to be running on November 1 and while he probably won’t be doing everything at that time, we’ll get him out onto the field.”
“Brock had a grade two medial ligament tear which put him in a brace for about three to four weeks.