The Newcastle Knights has now cracked 13,200 Members for 2014 and are well on the way to kicking off the season in style.
But it doesn’t stop there. The Club needs the help of its supporters.
The Knights is running a Refer a Knight promotion challenging supporters and Members to recruit people they might know who are ready and willing to Play their Part for the Knights, but haven’t yet made the Membership commitment.
The first 25 Members who refer two or more new Knights Members before Monday, 17th of February will win an exclusive double pass to experience the NRL’s annual season launch and cocktail party in Sydney plus transfers to and from Newcastle on Wednesday, 26th of February.
Know a mate who's been sitting on the sidelines? Convince them to Play their Part for the Knights by becoming a Member and both have a chance to score an invite to this highly anticipated event and mingle with some of the NRL’s past and present greats.
Click here to view the Knights' fantastic range of packages on offer in 2014.
Once a Membership option has been chosen, click JOIN to be prompted to create a new account for the Member.
Once friends or family members are joined, email membership@newcastleknights.com.au with the name of the new Member as well as the name and Member number of the referring Member to be in the running for a trip to Sydney for the NRL’s season launch.
Alternatively, contact the Membership Team on 1300 465 644 to process a Membership payment over the phone, refer a person via email at membership@newcastleknights.com.au or in person at the Hunter Sports Superstore.